by: Sarah Bishop
We at Smashfest Queen have been so thrilled and honored to recently add first- year pro Sarah Bishop to our team. Like many of us, Sarah was supposed to be kicking off her North American racing season this month. In today’s blog, she shares an awesome perspective on a season delayed.
I know many of us are grieving our spring races seasons. But when there's much larger problems going on in the world right now, it certainly seems insignificant and selfish. It's okay to recognize that the right decisions are absolutely being made for all of humanity, there's much bigger problems in the world right now, and also grieve the race you worked so hard for at the same time.

But it's important to recognize that none of your training was in vain. When you made the decision to sign up, think about how brave you were to try something new. Think about the commitment you showed all those mornings you didn’t want to get up to do workout and you did, all those evenings you were so tired but you still got it done. Think of all those goals you reached during training that you didn’t even know you had - when you biked longer than you ever thought possible, and swam faster than you ever thought you could. Think about all the new relationships, friendships, and connections you made that were never in the plan. Think about all the people who were watching you and were inspired, whether you knew it or not. Think of all those times you didn’t think you could... and you did.
The fact is, one day or one race does not define success or failure; the journey was worth more than you could have ever realized. You may not have reached what you feel was the summit - but maybe you actually did. You’re a changed person for going 99% of the distance. And when it comes down to it, that’s really what matters. When the training is done, whether you know or it or not you have truly already won. Everything else is just icing on that cake. And yeah. We really want that icing. But anyone can show up and enter a race. But it’s the months of training, hard work, ups and downs, good workouts and bad, self-doubt turned to confidence that makes you different. That makes it worth it. It’s why you’re so disappointed but in reality should be so, so darn proud. You could never have known all that you would accomplish just to get here.
So even if you don’t happen to toe a start line or cross a finish line right now, just remember, layer by layer, you made a cake. A beautiful, delicious cake. And it's still standing.